July 1, 2011

A successful woman’s perspective on workplace inequality

Perhaps the women of the Wal-Mart class action suit should read this from a successful female techie/entrepreneur:
When I entered the industry, it was burgeoning. Though being a woman was a novelty, it was growing so fast the opportunity was there, just as the opportunity was there for women during World War II. Tech is a true meritocracy. Either you have the goods or you don’t. There’s less concern with gender, race, color and creed. I really truly believe that, despite data on the dearth of women in technology, tech doesn’t have a barrier up to women. In fact, if anything, women who are technically prepared have an advantage.
I couldn’t agree more. The statistics often sited to argue that women are discriminated against in the workplace are scientifically bogus. They are usually broad societal averages that don’t make any attempt to account for all the perfectly fair and legitimate factors that may affect the achievement of women as a demographic.